Project Cost Estimate Software For Agencies & Development Shops

Increase team collaboration and make your project estimates more accurate than error-prone spreadsheets.

simple estimate creation software

Fast and Easy

Make estimating a snap. Estimate software with pre-defined roles and rates allow you to quickly create estimates.

No Spreadsheets

Leave the brittle spreadsheets behind! No more accidental overwrites and worries about incorrect formulas.

Simple Estimate Sharing

It’s as easy to share an estimate as it is to create it. Estimates can be shared online, or as an Excel or PDF document.

More Accurate

Create your estimates with best practices in mind; you can do one, two, or three point estimation! PMP’s rejoice.


Learn more about the Simple Estimate Software

Multiple Roles and Rates Per Estimation Task

Multiple Roles and Rates? Not a Problem.

Simple Estimate is an online software estimation tool for agencies, development shops, and companies with large teams working in a project and each of those people have different roles and billable rates. Rates are stored globally and pre-filled for you as you select them.
Simple Estimate Templates

Estimate Templates & Partials to Start Your Project Faster

Don’t recreate the wheel every project! Create your own custom templates so you don’t have to start from scratch every time. You can have multiple templates for the variety of projects you see from week to week, or partials that you can insert into each project.
Estimate Versioning Software

Keep Past Estimate Snapshots

Creating an estimate is a process. Estimates get changed by internal and external stakeholders over the course of a project. With snapshots, you can keep past versions of those project changes so that you can go back and reference them when you need to.

Frequently Asked Questions

This software works best for medium to large organizations that are planning upcoming projects as a team and need some idea of how long it will take and how much it will cost. It could be an agency that does creative, website, or software development work for clients. Or it could be an internal part of an organization working on a new initiative. With each of these situations you will have many tasks to be done and many people to do them. Sometimes these people are billable at different rates, which causes additional complexity.

Nope, this tool is for estimation only. In our opinion an estimate is not the same thing as an invoice. (Even though many simplistic web tools believe they are!) This estimate tool helps project managers deal with the uncertainty of planning projects with multiple people and moving parts involved. Project planning and estimating is a difficult and amorphous task that tries to predict hours and costs in order to help a project move forward. This tool does not collect funds or signatures for projects, but instead gives you the power to make project decisions more confidently.

Anyone who has used their trusty spreadsheet over and over can attest that it will break down over time. Calculations get missed, items don’t get totalled correctly, and styling gets mixed up with all of the copying and pasting going on. Furthermore sharing the document and getting feedback across a whole team can be a challenge. This software estimate tool simplifies the estimation process and allows for simple sharing in a variety of ways.

It’s really up to you and how you like to think through a project. A single hourly estimate per task is easiest, but sometimes it’s nice to think in ranges. Two point estimation lets you put in a high and a low hourly estimate and we find the average for you. Three point estimation lets you put in low (optimistic), most likely (realistic) and high (pessimistic) hourly estimates and then uses the standard PERT project management formula to give more weight the most likely estimate number and balance them out. This process helps to take uncertainty into account when compiling realistic estimates for projects.

Not yet, we may add integrations with popular project management tools in the future, but that is a challenge because of the wide variety of tools available today. We may also offer an API so that you could gain programmatic access to your estimates and an experienced developer may be able to integrate with your tool of choice. Feel free to contact us and let us know what you use and how this tool could best work with it.

Andrew Nielsen

Anne Farris

Director of Client Services, Actual Size

“Simple Estimate provided an elegant solution to our in-house estimating needs and revolutionized our project planning procedures. This product is user-friendly and reliable, which is essential when dealing with project planning and profitability,”
Clay Johnston

Clay Johnston

Owner, Sprung Interactive

“Creating and tracking estimates is a key activity to the revenue of my web development business. Simple Estimate allows me to concentrate on writing an accurate estimate without the clutter of other unneeded fields and tools. It is simply a better way to estimate my work. Bravo!”

Clemens Müller

Head of Product, 9Y Media Group

“In Simple Estimate we found a great solution for the estimation of software products and projects, which we perform on a daily basis. Its simplicity, together with its flexibility and rich feature set, forms an excellent tool to perform estimations.”

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$45 / mo

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  • 10 Users Included
  • Unlimited Estimates
  • Unlimited Clients
  • Unlimited Roles & Rates
  • Email support
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Simple Estimate Simplifies Estimation

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